Keith Atkinson
Keith, wife Melinda, children--Luke, Sam, Isaac, Alexandria (Elizabeth Taylor our chihuahua)
Keith has been a disciple of Jesus since he was fifteen years of age. The last five decades have been an unpredictable journey in God’s leading and faithfulness. After twenty-two years of pastoral ministry at Red River Church, Ordinary Disciples has Keith returning to his roots of mission, discipleship, spiritual formation, and life in the kingdom of God.
A portion of the donations to Ordinary Disciples help fund Keith’s ministry.
Contact Keith if he can serve you in any of the following ways:
• Starting or being a part of a Metanoia group
• Discipleship
• Pastoral care
• Mentoring
• Prayer
• Spiritual Direction/Formation
• Retreats
• Counseling—individual, family, premarital, addiction
• Recovery ministry
• Teaching
• Enneagram personality discovery
Teachings from Keith while pastor at Red River Church